Tuesday 12 June 2007

New Course

My blog has been very quiet during the last weeks. No, I haven't quit my blog but from now on updates will be less common. The reason why is I have changed my job. I've left my old company, Vodafone, where I was working for 4 years and a half and I've started a new adventure.

My new company's name is TB Solutions Sevenclick. Well, Sevenclick is the actual name and TB Solutions is the mother company's name. I have assumed the role of CTO (Chief Technical Officer) which is a great opportunity for my career.

Sevenclick is a mobile focused start-up. We don't depend on a single product or idea. Our focus is customers. Currently we are just 3 people (we'll be six in one month time) with great excitement and willing to succeed.

As soon as I have more time (we are currently configuring servers, network, workstations and so on and so forth) I'll update my blog. Probably the main theme will change, as long as I'm going to be involved in lot of different subjects, but I will get back to Rails once in a while.


pablo abad sanz said...

Glad to hear from you. I thought you just forgot your Rails experience :)
I'm still learning how RoR's Active Directory works. It's a bit hard, but quite rewarding.

I hope to see you around on Friday.


Jose Manuel Cristobal said...

I hope you refer to Active Record because Rails has nothing to do with Windows Server administration. :P

See you tonight!!!!!

Kind Regards

Gerardo Gomez Espinosa said...

Hey, i'd like to take advantage of your entry for wishing you good luck in your new role. I'd like also to suggest you some cool ads for your site, though: what the hell is lastfm?, have you heard about MyStrands??. Just kidding..

Take it easy!!!!
